I love building things, shipping fast and always respecting the trade-off between perfection and time / budget. I bootstrapped a company from scratch to 7-digit yearly revenues and recently helped raise a 15M series A.
My biggest passion is the field of data science and machine learning. I find it fascinating to write a software program which is able to learn patterns in the world. I am most inspired if I can use that to make the world a little bit better.
I am a software engineer and take passion in writing quality code. I like functional programming, Python, test-driven design and automation of everything. I built a lot of production systems in my life and it is always fun to see a new product launch.
Mindpeak creates visual diagnosis tools using deep learning to help Pathologists in detecting cancer and other diseases. I am currently the company's CIO and my role consists of building machine learning models as well as getting those models live as inference APIs together with my technical team using technologies such as PyTorch, Docker Swarm and Traefik. We are hiring, so contact me, if you are interested.
Together with two friends, I founded the Lemundo GmbH and grew it to 7-digit revenues as the CTO of the company. If you need a great online shop, you should definitely contact us.
My time studying was spent at U Hamburg, UC Berkeley and LMU Munich with a mixture of computer science, machine learning, psychology, philosophy of mind and computational neuroscience.
At the NVIDIA GTC, I gave a talk about training machine learning models for cancer diagnostics.
At the ML Conference in Berlin, I held a talk about reinforcement learning featuring my deep Q learning library.
At the EuroPython conference, I held a talk about speeding up the deep learning development life cycle.
On the machine learning meetup Cologne, I talked about the challenges of "Deep Learning in Digital Pathology".
I spoke several times at the code.talks conference in Hamburg. Most recently on "Serving ML models as an inference API in production".
I was booked as a speaker for the Landing Festival in Lisbon, Portugal. I presented my work on letting a computer play the Pacman video game using deep learning.