Intelligent agents guided by LLMs

Update: Trending on Hacker News, follow the discussion here. I’ve built a small library to build agents which are controlled by large language models (LLMs) which is heavily inspired by langchain. You can find that small library with all the code on Github. The goal was to get a better grasp of how such an agent works and understand it all in very few lines of code. Langchain is great, but it already has a few more files and abstraction layers, so I thought it would be nice to build the most important parts of a simple agent from scratch.
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How to build a chatbot out of your website content

In a previous blog entry, we used langchain to make a Q&A bot out of the content of your website. The Github repository which contains the code of the previous as well as this blog entry can be found here. It was trending on Hacker news on March 22nd and you can check out the disccussion here. This blog posts builds on the previous entry and makes a chatbot which you can interactively ask questions similar to how ChatGPT works.
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Build a Q&A bot of your website content with langchain

If you want to learn how to create embeddings of your website and how to use a question answering bot to answer questions which are covered by your website, then you are in the right spot. The Github repository which contains all the code of this blog entry can be found here. It was trending on Hacker news on March 22nd and you can check out the disccussion here. We will approach this goal as follows:
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